The format of the present template is placed on the website of the journal (, in the form of a MS Word. It is necessary to download the mentioned template (sample of the writing template of the article) and adjust the contents of your prepared article in its format.
- The submitted article should not have been previously published in any national or foreign journals or collection of foreign articles. The editorial board expects the authors not to send their manuscripts to another journal for publication or review until receiving an acceptance response from the journal.
- The author(s) is legally responsible for the correctness of the content of the submitted manuscript, and the journal will not undergo any responsibility in this regard.
- Submitted manuscripts that meet the conditions of initial acceptance by the respected editorial board of the journal will be sent to expert referees in that subject area. The reviewers, apart from the qualitative evaluation of the articles, will provide constructive suggestions. The suggestions of the reviewers will be sent to the author(s) in full but without the reviewers' names and information.
- The manuscripts for which no response is received from the author(s) on the specified date for correction (up to 14 days, which can be extended at the request of the author), as well as rejected or withdrawn manuscripts will be removed from the journal archive after two months and the journal will not have any responsibility in this regard.
- The journal reserves the right to accept or reject and edit the manuscripts. The articles taken from the thesis and dissertation of the students are published under the supervision of the supervisor, advisers, and students jointly, with the responsibility of the supervisor.
- It is necessary for the author to mention the utilized financial resources of the university or certain government organizations at the end of the paper. Also, acknowledgment and appreciation of the financial or spiritual sponsor of the project should be mentioned on the last page of the manuscript.
The structure and main parts of the manuscript
The structure of the manuscript should be scientific, including the title, Persian abstract (250-300 words, a summary of the introduction, research method, findings, and conclusions), keywords, introduction (including the statement of the problem, questions, hypotheses and ... research), background and theoretical foundations of research, research materials and methods, scope of study, discussion and presentation of findings, conclusion and presentation of suggestions, and references.
Abstract: Articles must have Persian and English abstracts. This section should express the entire manuscript and especially the results obtained. The abstract should be structured and include the statement of the problem, research question or hypothesis, purpose, research method, and conclusion. It should not contain abbreviations or undefined technical terms. The abstract of the article should be a maximum of 300 words.
Introduction: The introduction is the initial words of the author describing the problem; Also, the introduction should state the reasons for the necessity of conducting the research and the purpose of conducting the research. Research questions and research objectives are stated in the introduction as well. The introduction section should not have any sub-sections. That is, the content of the statement of the problem, research questions, hypotheses, and the necessity of research should be included in the introduction without any sub-sections and with regular and correct paragraphing. Avoid any sub-titles in the introduction section.
Background and theoretical foundations of the research: In the background of the research, the conducted research relevant to the subject of the manuscript (scientific articles and related printed reports) is reviewed and the results and achievements are briefly stated. In the background, the difference between the approach and method of the present manuscript and previous articles should be stated. In the theoretical foundations of the research, the definitions, concepts, and theoretical topics related to the subject, that have been used in the research, must be highlighted. The theoretical foundations of the research actually form the analytical support of the article and the hypothesis of the article relies on it. Theoretical foundations should not only include basic definitions and concepts that do not have much effect on the research method and its results.
Research materials and methods: The steps and method of conducting the research, which were mentioned in the abstract, should be explained in detail in this section. It is also necessary to specify the type of research, method, and tools of data collection. The research method should be illustrated precisely so that future researchers can use the same method to conduct similar research or complete the current research. It is important to avoid providing additional and unnecessary explanations that have an educational aspect in this section. Also, data measurement and analysis tools, indicators, and research variables should be mentioned.
The study context: In this part, the study context will be introduced from political-geographical and demographic perspectives.
Discussion and presentation of findings: Research findings, answers to research questions, and evidence to accept or reject the hypothesis (if there is any) are presented in this section. Also, the results of the current research are compared with the results of similar studies, and the congruency and difference of findings of the current paper and previous ones are expressed in this section.
Conclusion and presentation of suggestions: The conclusion should be the result of the discussion and findings of the current research; Therefore, it is necessary to compose the conclusion in a scientific, concise, and comprehensive manner and of course in an explanatory-analytical form. Immediately at the end of the conclusion, the author can present his suggestions based on the research results in the form of headlines. Do not give a separate sub-heading/sub-section to the recommendations; Rather, bring it connected to the conclusion. Avoid copying and pasting duplicate content, figures, and tables in the discussions and findings sections to the conclusion section.
Guide to preparing the manuscript
For ease of writing the article according to the journal template, use the provided sample (sample of the article's format)
- Persian articles should be prepared with Mitra 13B font and English articles with Times New Roman font type, size 11 using MS Word. Articles should be typed on A4 paper (with a margin of 3 cm from the top and 2.5 cm from the bottom, right and left). The lines should be single-spaced.
- The abstract of Persian articles should be written in 11 B Mitra font. For the English abstracts use 10 Times New Roman font. All titles in the text should be written in Bold.
- For English articles, the title should be written in Times New Roman font type, size 14, with the name of the author in bold Times New Roman, size 11. The author’s academic or professional title should be mentioned in thin 10 Times New Roman font below the first part of the article. In addition, the e-mail address and phone number of the corresponding author should be given in the footnote.
- Footnotes should be typed with B Mitra 9 Regular font. English footnotes should be typed in Times New Roman font and size 8 Regular.
- The title of the tables should be given in the form of Table 2 and with B Mitra 10 Bold above them. The text within the tables should be given as B Mitra 10 thin. The source of the tables should also be mentioned with B Mitra 10 thin font at the bottom of the table, center-aligned.
- The figures and diagrams of the article must be original and of good quality. The size of the fonts, especially in the case of the curves (Legend), should be selected in such a way that it is readable even after reducing the scale of the figure for printing. The source of the figure should be placed in parentheses (source: Shekoi, 2017: 50) below them, center-aligned, and with B Mitra 10 thin font. Please refrain from using non-standard and low-quality maps (such as preparing maps in Paint software and similar). All maps must be prepared in one of the GIS software and with the quality and standards of a geographic map (with coordinate system, guide, direction, scale, etc.) and exported with high resolution and referred to in the text.
- Every article needs writing and editing corrections, especially in the use of punctuation, and it is necessary for the author(s) to revise the Persian articles based on the pamphlet "Persian Handwriting" of the Persian Language Academy. Also, the text should be free of typographical and spelling mistakes.
- The article should be fluent and grammatically correct, and sufficient care should be taken in the choice of words. No Arabic words should be used in Persian articles. Also, the paragraphing of the text and all literary rules (Persian writing ritual) and editing must be taken care of.
- The Persian equivalent of Latin words should be used as much as possible in the Persian text, and if the Persian equivalent is not expressive enough, the same Latin word can be used in the footnote by mentioning the number above the equivalent.
- The article, including text, figures, tables, maps, sources, and Latin abstract, should not exceed 16 pages in compliance with the typesetting standards of the journal (If it exceeds this amount, the publication office will not be responsible for the review or non-printing).
Very important and necessary points
- Avoid mentioning titles such as scientific rank (professor, associate professor, student), engineer, doctor, etc. at the beginning of names.
- Articles sent by members of faculty of universities and research institutes should be sent via their organizational or academic email.
- Inserting ORCID iD is mandatory for all authors.
- It is mandatory to include the phone number and email address of all the authors (the phone number and email address in use); If they are not responsive and do not respond to calls and correspondence, the article will be rejected.
- The order of entering the authors' names into the system must be exactly based on the order of the authors' names in the authors' profile file.
- Before submitting the manuscript, the corresponding author should check it with one of the appropriate similarity check software, as the maximum similarity can be 20%.
- Authors can propose three expert reviewers who are not co-authors and who haven’t conducted joint articles with the authors in the last five years. Finally, the reviewers will be selected by the editorial board of the journal.
- Dear authors, the articles that are not prepared according to the format and template of the journal will be returned to the author and will not be included in the evaluation process.