Citation and Referencing Guide

Respected authors should note that in order to adjust the citations inside the text and the final reference list, it is necessary to follow the format of the guidelines of the Publications Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (uploaded in the authors' guideline).

  • The citation method of the American Psychological Association (APA 7) should be used for referencing.
  • All works should be mentioned inside the text as well as at the end of the manuscript.
  • All works inside and at the end of the manuscript should be matched with the works inside and at the end of the text and should be corrected and written in Latin. Please make sure that all Persian references are translated into English and that APA format is followed for references. Also, the DOI code should be included for all the works in the reference section. If there is no DOI code, DOR code or article link should be provided.
  • In the references section, Persian sources should be written in Latin, and at the end of the works, the words [In Persian] should be mentioned, and this section should be written in Times New Roman 10 font.
  • In-text citation should be in APA style and the sources cited inside the text should be mentioned in parentheses by mentioning the author's last name, year of publication, and page number, such as (Tacoli, 2021: 6-7) font 11.

For one work by two authors: (Rondinelli & Johnson, 2023: 6)

For one work by more than two authors: (Richard et al, 2021: 754)


For citations in the reference list:

English books:

Woods, M. (2005). Rural Geography. Sage Publication, London.



Articles by one author:

Fukugawa, N. (2022). Effects of the quality of science on the initial public offering of university spinoffs: evidence from Japan. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4439-4455.


Article by two authors:

Haunschild, R., & Bornmann, L. (2022). Relevance of document types in the scores’ calculation of a specific field-normalized indicator: Are the scores strongly dependent on or nearly independent of the document type handling?. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4419-4438.


Article by three authors:

Vakkari, P., Chang, Y. W., & Järvelin, K. (2022). Largest contribution to LIS by external disciplines as measured by the characteristics of research articles. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4499-4522.


Article by more than three authors:

Wheeler, J., Pham, N. M., Arlitsch, K., & Shanks, J. D. (2022). Impact factions: assessing the citation impact of different types of open access repositories. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4977-5003.


  • In case of using internet sources, in addition to following the method of mentioning the resource that was explained, the internet address of the source and retraction date should be included.
  • Alphabetical order of sources should be observed in referencing list and the minimum number of sources used should not be less than 20 sources.
  • In case of using a thesis/dissertation, it is mandatory to mention the name of the supervisor and advisor, the title of the field and the name of the relevant university.

Important points about the English bibliography

  1. At the end of the text, in the "References" section, in addition to English sources, Persian sources should also be given in English.
  2. To translate Persian references, please refer to the original source. Google Translate is not a good option. Also, the link to all the articles should be given.
  3. At the end of sources that are Persian and have been translated into English, [In Persian] must be added in square brackets.
  4. References should be arranged in English alphabetical order.