Investigating the affecting factors on housing prices in Maragheh City

Document Type : Case Article


Department of Geography and urban planning, Faculty of human science, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran.


Housing has been one of the most important household assets throughout history. By examining the factors affecting housing prices, planning and decisions about the future of housing can be made. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effective factors (physical, access, environmental variables) on housing prices in Maragheh, The study is applied research and its method is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population consisted of real estate consultants in Maragheh. Data collection was done by library and field methods. From the mentioned community, according to Cochran's formula, a number of simple random methods have been selected as a sample. Data were analyzed using SPSS software and t-test, analysis of variance and multivariate regression. Findings show that all three components (physical, access, environmental) have an impact on housing prices in Maragheh. There is no significant difference in the impact of each on housing prices in Maragheh. In the physical variables of the building: the quality of the structure, in the access variables: the access to the medical centers and distance from the transport lines and access to the workplace and in the environmental variable: the components of nature and green space and social status have the greatest impact compared to other components. Among the variables affecting housing prices, the access variable had the major impact, then the environmental variable and finally the physical variable had the largest share on housing prices in Maragheh.


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