Future studies on regeneration of the inefficient textures in urban areas (Case study: Fardis City, Alborz Province)

Document Type : Original Research Articles


1 Professor of Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 MSc in the Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD Researcher in the Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.


Among the issues that are evident in Fardis City and require a comprehensive and future-oriented regeneration plan is the existence of worn-out texture and settlements, which have a significant physical density considering their population. The statistical population of the research is the residents of Fardis City, and to determine the sample size, 30 experts and specialists were selected, respectively, for a) specifying the reasons using the Delphi method, b) completing the cross-impacts matrix and entering it into the MicMac software, and c) determining the level of importance and uncertainty of key factors. The Delphi method is a structured process for collecting and classifying the knowledge available to experts. In cross-impact analysis, the interrelationships among various subsystems are examined. Based on the data, the ownership issue with a score of 73 was identified as the most effective and the disturbance of the image and landscape with a score of 77 was identified as the most susceptible driving force. Key factors include ownership issues, non-compliance with urban development plans, lack of municipal oversight, low economic level, unprincipled decision-making, lack of homogeneity among existing parcels, lack of a comprehensive attitude to the region, organic nature of the texture, and lack of a coherent texture development plan. Considering the importance of regeneration for the inefficient urban texture of Fardis and considering the future studies approach in the research, three scenarios are developed focusing on the ownership issue, low economic level, and lack of a coherent urban development plan. Based on the results, scenario 1 is considered the most desirable and scenario 3 is considered the worst for the area under study in Fardis.


Main Subjects

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