Main Subjects = Sustainable development and regional planning
Future studies of the factors affecting the development of Yazd province

Volume 2, Issue 3, December 2024, Pages 87-109


Negin Fallah Haghighi; Zeinab Sharifi; Hamin Ahmadi

Unveiling Climatic Trends from 1922 to 2022: A Long-Term Time-Series Analysis of Precipitation of Semi-Arid Agra District, Uttar Pradesh, India

Volume 2, Issue 2, August 2024, Pages 78-84


Bob Stanley Gardner; David Durjoy Lal Soren; Nelia Lois Chauhan; Brototi Biswas; Shalomin Gardner

Evaluation of the realization of the indicators of the elderly-oriented city in the old and inefficient context of Sari City

Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2024, Pages 69-83


Pari Shokri Firouzjah; sadegh seidbeigi; Pouran Aravand; Mohsen Moghadam Habibzadeh

Analysis of physical-traffic criteria and pathology and the role of beltways in urban areas (Case study: Sari)

Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2023, Pages 33-50


Sadegh Seidbeigi; Fatemeh Ashouri; Seyed Hassan Rasouli; Javad Ebrahimi